
Unfortunately, I don’t mean the kind you play with dice, fake money and fighting over who gets to be the car. No, I’m referring to the local phone company (denoted by a large red check mark).

Our new phone service gets hooked up today. That’s good news. The bad news is that if you Google the number, you find a local business. Which may or may not have gone out of business recently, meaning we’ll likely get phone calls for the company. Guess at least it won’t be creditors, like we get with our current number (which we’ve had for almost three years, but the previous owner kept using it on important things – like her kid’s emergency contact forms).

The worse news is that Speakeasy keeps telling me they can’t give me DSL in that area. If you look up the local CO, it says that Covad has a cage in there, so Speakeasy should have no problems. But, it gets more interesting! One of my co-workers lives two blocks farther from the CO than I do, and he has DSL through the local telco. The same local telco that says I can’t get business class DSL (only way they’ll do a static IP), nor can I get home DSL. Uh, hello?

So, that’s part of the reason all this stuff moved to Dreamhost – who knows if I’ll be able to serve my own webpages in another couple weeks. Might have to resort to either dial-up, or just pairing my phone to the laptop to get on teh Intarweb. Goodie.  I’d hoped that since today is the day for the installation, maybe the local telco would’ve updated their database and I could see that I can get DSL at least through them (that’s a start, anyway).  Guess I’ll have to wait until next week.

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