It’s Not Late, It’s Early

Went to sleep last night with my back hurting (and unfortunately it still does), and woke up at four something this morning.  Went downstairs to get something to drink (which I’d thought about the one or two times I woke up before that) and figured I’d sleep until 7 when my alarm went off.  But I was still awake when Stephanie’s alarm went off at around 5, so I just got out of bed instead of trying to go back to sleep.  I love it when I happen to wake up at the end of a sleep cycle, ’cause I feel pretty well rested and not groggy or anything.  And as a side benefit, I’ll probably get to work early enough that even with taking a lunch break I’ll leave at 1600 and that’s still early enough to shoot straight down Route 1 without much hassle and traffic.  Go me.

Now if I can get to bed at a decent hour tonight, and repeat this tomorrow, that’ll be nice.  But we’ll count that bridge when it’s hatched.  Or something.

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