How It Started

My last post gave some information on ROT13, and why I think it can be fun. This one is for some of the conversations I’d had before, including the one when I decided that this was the way to deal with ICQ spammers.

I’m pretty sure this one was the conversation that started it all:

Conversation with 237678219 at Wed 05 Apr 2006 01:29:48 PM EDT on 2109563 (icq)

(01:29:48 PM) 237678219: hi, what language are you speaking?
(01:29:57 PM) me: Perl
(01:30:53 PM) 237678219: do you speak englisch?
(01:34:59 PM) me: grep
(01:35:38 PM) 237678219: hä??????????
(01:36:13 PM) me: SHPX BSS

You might be able to guess what the last line was that I said.. and that’s when I hit on something… for the rest of the postings, I’ll provide a translation where appropriate :>

Conversation with 237678219 at Thu 20 Apr 2006 04:14:07 PM EDT on 2109563 (icq)

(04:14:07 PM) 237678219: @}->–
(04:15:01 PM) me: Qvqa’g lbh yrnea lbhe yrffba ynfg gvzr? (Didn’t you learn your lesson last time?)
(04:15:22 PM) 237678219: 🙂
(04:15:45 PM) me: Nccneragyl abg, naq lbh’ir pbzr gb oht zr ntnva. (Apparently not, and you’ve come to bug me again.)
(04:15:59 PM) 237678219: Ungarn?
(04:16:30 PM) me: Whfg tvir hc! (Just give up!)

Conversation with 237678219 at Fri 26 May 2006 01:19:11 PM EDT on 2109563 (icq)

(01:19:11 PM) 237678219: Thats not the beginning of the end
Thats the return to yourself
The return to innocence.
Love – devotion
Feeling – emotion
Love – devotion
Feeling – emotion
Dont be afraid to be weak
Dont be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself dont hide
Just believe in destiny

(01:23:33 PM) me: Ure Znwrfgl’f n cerggl avpr tvey, ohg fur qbrfa’g unir n ybg gb fnl.
Ure Znwrfgl’f n cerggl avpr tvey, ohg fur punatrf sebz qnl gb qnl.
V jnaan gryy ure gung V ybir ure n ybg, ohg V tbggn trg n oryyl shyy bs jvar.
Ure Znwrfgl’f n cerggl avpr tvey, fbzr qnl V’z tbaan znxr ure zvar.
Bu lrnu, fbzr qnl V’z tbaan znxr ure zvar.

( Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl, but she doesn’t have a lot to say. Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl, but she changes from day to day. I wanna tell her that I love her a lot, but I gotta get a belly full of wine. Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl, some day I’m gonna make her mine. Oh yeah, some day I’m gonna make her mine.)

Conversation with 240295734 at Mon 24 Apr 2006 12:44:40 PM EDT on 2109563 (icq)

(12:44:40 PM) 240295734: ×”×™×™×™×™×™×™×™×™×™
(12:45:01 PM) 240295734: ãó äáéú ùìé
(12:45:53 PM) me: Qba’g lbh trg gur uvag gung V qba’g jnag gb gnyx gb lbh, vqtvg? (Don’t you get the hint that I don’t want to talk to you, idgit?)
(12:46:30 PM) 240295734: מה ?
(12:46:52 PM) 240295734: תיכתבי עברית
(12:46:54 PM) me: Whfg tb njnl, be V jvyy ercynpr lbh jvgu n irel fznyy furyy fpevcg. (Just go away, or I will replace you with a very small shell script.)
(12:47:09 PM) 240295734: תיכתבי עברית
(12:47:31 PM) me: Cvff bss! (Piss off!)
(12:48:05 PM) 240295734: :'(
(12:48:51 PM) me: Njjj, cbbe onol. Trg ybfg, naq fgbc gelvat gb gnyx gb zr hagvy lbh unir fbzrguvat jbegujuvyr gb fnl. (Awww, poor baby. Get lost, and stop trying to talk to me until you have something worthwhile to say.)
(12:49:04 PM) 240295734: ×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—

Of course, even before the ROT13 bug bit, I would occasionally have some fun:

Conversation with 349464963 at 2006-02-27 11:46:11 on 2109563 (icq)

(11:46:11) 349464963: how are you
(11:46:22) me: Leaving
(11:46:51) 349464963: can i talk to you
(11:47:10) me: You can start with who you are, and then I’ll make that decision.
(11:48:25) 349464963: i am a girl from Chinese
(11:48:39) 349464963: 🙂
(11:48:55) me: Ahh, then the answer to your previous question is “no”.
(11:49:00) 349464963: why
(11:50:59) 349464963: can you tell me the reason?

Conversation with 349464963 at Tue 18 Apr 2006 10:59:52 AM EDT on 2109563 (icq)

(10:59:52 AM) 349464963: hello there
(11:00:59 AM) me: Jvyy lbh cyrnfr yrnir zr nybar jvgu lbhe qnzarq fcnz. (Will you please leave me alone with your damned spam.)
(11:01:26 AM) 349464963: what did you say
(11:01:40 AM) 349464963: i can’t understand
(11:01:57 AM) me: V fnvq, tb njnl be V jvyy ercynpr lbh jvgu n irel fznyy furyy fpevcg. (I said, go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script.)
(11:02:34 AM) 349464963: can you speak english
(11:02:57 AM) me: V nz fcrnxvat Ratyvfu, lbh fghcvq gneg. (I am speaking English, you stupid tart.)
(11:03:38 AM) 349464963: excuse me what did you say
(11:03:46 AM) 349464963: are you american
(11:04:36 AM) me: Lrf, V’z Nzrevpna, naq vs lbh pna’g haqrefgnaq jung V’z fnlvat gura lbh’er abg jbegu gnyxvat gb. (Yes, I’m American, and if you can’t understand what I’m saying then you’re not worth talking to.)
(11:05:22 AM) 349464963: can you speak english
(11:07:30 AM) 349464963: where do you come from
(11:08:20 AM) me: Zl cravf, jurer ryfr? (My penis, where else?)
(11:08:29 AM) 349464963: china
(11:11:30 AM) me: Vs lbh’er ernyyl gung qvz gung lbh’yy whfg svaq fbzrbar bhg bs gur oyhr, abg yrnir gurz nybar, naq pbafgnagyl onqtre gurz jvgu fghcvq dhrfgvbaf, gura V guvax guvf pbairefngvba zhfg raq. (If you’re really that dim that you’ll just find someone out of the blue, not leave them alone, and constantly badger them with stupid questions, then I think this conversation must end.)
(11:12:45 AM) 349464963: sorry i just can say chinese and english
so i don’t know what do you say
(11:13:10 AM) me: V fnvq tb njnl, lbh fghcvq tvg. (I said go away, you stupid git.)
(11:13:24 AM) 349464963: sorry

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