It Said What?

I’ve mentioned before that Leigh and I run IRC servers. You can connect to (port 9999 over SSL) or (same port) if you like. Well, I also have an Eggdrop bot that runs in there, and has an AI module compiled into it (which I ported a long time ago, and some others have taken the reigns for it thankfully). His name is KupaKawfe. ‘Cause everybody needs a KupaKawfe in the morning. And today, he said this:

<KupaKawfe> AstroComp: E) setup the nfs shares in netinfo and ignore the fact that the addresses have to mail things that annoy me regularly :p.

AstroComp is Leigh’s nickname in there.. now, I’m starting to wonder if that bot listening to our conversations is really a good idea…

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