Life In A Song

Using only song titles from one artist, answer these questions.

Band/artist: Rush

  1. Are you male or female:  Working Man
  2. Describe yourself: Digital Man
  3. How do you feel about yourself:  Grand Designs
  4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:  Scars
  5. Describe your current boy/girl situation:  Closer To The Heart
  6. Describe your current location:  Limbo
  7. Describe where you want to be:  Between Sun & Moon
  8. Your best friend is:  Everyday Glory
  9. Your favorite color is:  Red Barchetta
  10. You know that:  For What It’s Worth
  11. What’s the weather:  Cold Fire
  12. If your life was a television show what would it be called:  The Camera Eye
  13. What is life to you:  Freewill
  14. What is the best advice you have to give:  Leave That Thing Alone
  15. If you could change your name what would you change it to:  By-Tor and the Snow Dog

Steve? Sports? Nah…

I was going through the PlayStation Network the other day, like I do every now and then, and looking over the demos available for download.  Some demos I download even though I have no real interest in the game, just to see if maybe I’m wrong about it.  One such demo I downloaded on Saturday night fell squarely into that category.  MLB 09: The Show is the latest installment in the “MLB: The Show” series of baseball video games, and may be notable for being one of the few sports franchises which EA Sports doesn’t have their claws in.  Now, for those people who know me fairly well, you know that sports and I just don’t get along.  I don’t watch stuff on TV (the occasional football game, such as the Super Bowl, notwithstanding) since it’s pretty boring for me to watch other people play a game.  The only sporting event I’d remotely enjoy seeing live in person would be a baseball game, and that’s more because of the atmosphere than the game itself.  I don’t have a favorite team of any sort.  I don’t know stats.  I’m lucky if I know all the rules of a game for that matter.

But, I really like this video game.

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Linux + PS3: Emulation Paradise

Having seen a lot of people recently talk about running emulators on their PlayStation 3s under Linux, I thought I’d give it a try.  Quite frankly, I’m not sure how so many people can be happy with how their setups work when I see their list of things that aren’t working properly.  From wireless controllers which don’t work without a wire to full screen displays that aren’t full screen, most of the pages I found talked about all the little bits that weren’t working, while also mentioning all the things that worked great.  So for some unknown reason, I decided to try it myself; at the very least, I thought I could probably live with some of the caveats, and at most I might get everything working perfectly.  Well, I’m quite happy with the result, so I figured it would be good to share my experience and what worked.  Not so much that anyone reading this through normal means of reading my website would find it interesting, but Google Knows All.
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What’s In A Name?

Okay, yeah, I’ll bite on this one.

  • Real name: Steve Huston
  • Witness protection name: (mother and fathers middle names) Elaine William
  • NASCAR name: (first name of your mother’s dad, father’s dad) Alfred Albert (hah!)
  • Star Wars name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name) Husst
  • Detective name: (favorite color, favorite animal) Red Raccoon
  • Soap opera name: (middle name, town where you were born) Robert Willingboro
  • Superhero name: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink, add “The” to the beginning) The Blue Whiskey
  • Fly name: (first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name) Ston
  • Street name: (fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie) Vanilla Chocolate Chip
  • Porno name: (1st pet’s name, street you grew up on) Farkas Cinnaminson
  • Gangsta name: (first 3 letters of last name plus izzle) Husizzle
  • Drunk name: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, first two letters of your middle name, last two letters of your first name then last three letters of your last name) Tsroveton

Albums That Rocked Your World

It is with many thanks to Brian Jones that I write this note – thanks, because I finally got tagged in one of these Facebook chain letters which I’m interested in doing again (a lot of the ones I’ve seen lately are the same thing over and over).  This one, however, is something I can really get behind; so much so, that I’m doing a little more than required of the note:

Think of 15 albums, CDs, LPs (if you’re over 40) that had such a profound effect on you they changed your life. Dug into your soul. Music that brought you to life when you heard it. Royally affected you, kicked you in the wasu, literally socked you in the gut, is what I mean. Then when you finish, tag 15 others, including me. Make sure you copy and paste this part so they know the drill. Get the idea now? Good.

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ICQ Number Stolen?

22:17:43 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Error: Disconnected.
22:17:43 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Signing off..

Seemed harmless enough.  My ICQ connection disappears sometimes, so on February 2nd I didn’t worry about it when this happened.  Hell, I probaby didn’t even notice.  However, that’s when the fun ended I guess:

22:17:43 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Reconnecting in 5 seconds..
22:17:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signon: 2109563
22:17:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Couldn't log in: Incorrect nickname or password.
22:17:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signing off..
22:17:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Reconnecting in 15 seconds..
22:18:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signon: 2109563
22:18:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Couldn't log in: Incorrect nickname or password.
22:18:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signing off..
22:18:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Reconnecting in 45 seconds..
22:18:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signon: 2109563
22:18:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Couldn't log in: Incorrect nickname or password.
22:18:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signing off..
22:18:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Reconnecting in 135 seconds..
22:21:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signon: 2109563
22:21:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Couldn't log in: Incorrect nickname or password.
22:21:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signing off..
22:21:03 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Reconnecting in 405 seconds..
22:27:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signon: 2109563
22:27:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Couldn't log in: Incorrect nickname or password.
22:27:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Signing off..
22:27:48 <@root> oscar(2109563) - Logging in: Reconnecting in 900 seconds..

Never did reconnect.  Now, since my password wasn’t changed by me, I’m pretty sure that all the various IM programs I have which have the password stored will have it stored correctly.  My first thought when I saw all of this – the next day, mind you – was that there was some global ICQ problem.  It’s happened before.  That, or maybe ICQ was actively blocking the program that I use – bitlbee – from connecting to the network.  But it wasn’t long before I found out that everything was basically fine, except for my account.  Tried telling their website that I wanted a new password, only every email address I throw at the site comes back with a “We can’t email a password to that address” error.  Which really makes it sound like I was banned or something, but who knows?  Their tech support requires you to login before posting a question (cute, really) and it looks like nobody answers questions there anyway.  There’s no published information for actually getting in touch with a real person somewhere either.  So it looks like, while my UIN exists, and for all intents and purposes is still me (shit, my *photo* is still on there too…) I don’t have an ICQ number anymore.  Which annoys me mostly because of the fact that I created that account over a decade ago.  And since all the information about that “person” is still looking like it’s me.

So if you happen to know someone at ICQ, or are someone there, drop me a line – I’d love to have my account back, or at least know why all the methods provided for me to get it back aren’t working.

One Word

USING ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to tag the person you received it from!

Yes, yes.. I’m foregoing my normal introductory rant about the number of these things that go around.  Hell, they’re actually getting me to post stuff on my website again.. now I just need to find time to wade through a few GB of photos & videos, and I’ll be caught up on all my website updates.  Anyway…

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Real Shoe Store?

Wondering if anyone knows of a real shoe store in my area.  I’ve gone on too long with the shoes I’m currently wearing (my feet get wet if there’s any water or snow on the ground), and the last few times I’ve tried on shoes I’ve always ended up with ones which either are too tight, or feel fine on the sides and are too long – leading me to believe I need to go to a real shoe store that sells shoes in widths other than standard.  Only problem is that I don’t know where to go, since places like Payless seem.. meh.

Letter Game

Okay, I thought maybe 1-2 of these kinds of things would go around.  No, they just keep coming and coming…

Rules: It’s harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real… nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.

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25 Random Things About Me

Yes, it’s another Facebook note thingy.  This one’s a bit more insidious – the idea is that you tag your friends, and that means they’re supposed to write one of these things too (because you want to “get to know” them better).  I’ll opt to do it this way instead – If you’re reading this, go ahead and do one.  If you don’t wanna, don’t worry about it.  There, no pressure :>

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