How’s This?

Wow, two days in the same week (in a row, no less), and I’m writing stuff in here. Guess I’m not quite cut out for the whole atmosphere that is… well, that word that I can’t stand which has weaseled its way into modern vernacular beginning as a contraction of the words ‘web’ and ‘log’. No, don’t say it. You’ll sound just as stupid as everyone else does when they say it.

Anywho, I’ve got to start doing something about my eating habits. When I started here, I was accustomed to eating 2-3 meals a day. But now that I wasn’t hoofing it across a campus anymore and spent 90% of my time in a chair, I ballooned quite nicely. Finally broke 200, which on my frame isn’t quite good. Then last summer, I worked my way down to eating one meal a day, sometimes just a snack (not much of an appetite with the stress I had) and I dropped a lot of the weight back off. Was it a healthy thing to do? No, but the end result was good even though that wasn’t exactly what I was aiming toward. Now, I’m still around one meal a day (though it’s usually a big one, my wife sure can cook :> ) but this week I’ve been coming in early – for me – and man am I hungry around 1200-1300.

Common sense would say that I should go eat something. Problem is I’m too lazy to go by myself, and only like to eat alone if I’m truly alone, not in a cafeteria with a boatload of people while I sit at a table for one. Perhaps I should get back into bringing a lunch with me, though I also like the idea of not taking one and then not feeling guilty about leaving 30-60 minutes “early” since I didn’t take an hour long break.

Of course, I hear crack is quite the appetite suppressant too…

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