You ever wonder what happened to people you “used to know?” Every now and then I do. I thought I’d summarize a few of them, for the hell of it. Not necessarily because they’ll read this, but maybe they’ll do a little egosurfing and find their name here, then leave a comment and say, “Hey, this is what happened to me.” Might be fun. As a side note, when I started reading this off to my wife, I discovered that it sounds more humorous if read with an “Andy Rooney” voice. Try it. Now, in no particular order:
- I wonder what happened to Randy Johannsen. He and I were pretty good friends from about 5th grade until high school. We drifted apart a bit then, but still were friendly (we just had different interests and didn’t hang out as much anymore).
- I wonder what happened to Brian Salmon. He and I had fairly different interests from the start – he was always more athletic than I was. But he was always a good guy, and we got along very well.
- I wonder what happened to my 10 year reunion. I don’t frequent those websites that gather all kinds of personal information about people and then send them spam every day, mostly because of the spam they send every day (which is why, though you may find me there, you won’t reach me through there – I bounce every message from them). So if it was planned through one of them, I never heard about it. I figure it’s not that hard to find me – any idiot with a web browser and my name could do it fairly quickly.
- I wonder what happened to JoAnne Barlieb. Last I heard, she got married to a guy she’d been dating, I think her senior year, also named Steve. I seem to recall joking with her about the coincidence. I seem to recall she thought it was funny. I could be forgetting a patronizing tone, but it’s my memory, so there. She probably knew I had a crush on her, but at least wasn’t a bitch about it like some of the girls I knew in school (which is part of the reason they’re not mentioned here – I really don’t care what happened to them :> )
- I wonder what happened to Darrel Wonderlin. We didn’t hang out much in school, though his sister was in my class. We did hang out a bit after I graduated, and for a while there we went bowling at Laurel Lanes on Rt 73 at least once a week. When my parents and I moved to North Jersey, I think he came up once, but we pretty much lost touch after that.
- I wonder what happened to Ed, whose last name I don’t recall now and I’m too lazy to go find my yearbook, but who taught me to “always remember your ABC’s; but start with ‘A’ and end with ‘P’, otherwise you’ll break the rhythm.” If Ed’s reading this, he’ll probably remember that line. To anyone else, it’s a funny story. Really it is.
- I wonder what happened to Jamie Hort, who was always a bully to me until he left for Catholic school and returned the following year, and then we got along great for some reason. I never figured out why, but since he was always the bigger kid in class (and our last names were close enough that we always ended up in the same homeroom) I didn’t question it much. We didn’t hang out very much outside of school – the occasional visit here or there, the occasional sleepover, the trip to his parents beach house when I laid on a surfboard for entirely too long and got sunburnt all over my back and his older sister Kim felt so bad for me that she tried to rub aloe on it or something (I didn’t care, I’d thought Kim was cute too). Last I’d heard, I think he also got married, and had at least one kid, maybe two or more.
- I wonder what happened to Tyrone Crawley, who I also didn’t hang out with much outside of school, but got along famously with during our time there. I always had this feeling that I’d find him somewhere famous – not so much in a sports setting, he never seemed to care much for athletics though he wasn’t half bad. But a senator? I could see it.
- I wonder what happened to James Boyte, who once went to the house of a “friend” to find my calculator sitting there which I’d mentioned was stolen earlier that day, and retrieved it for me. Of course, others figured he was the one who stole it, but we only crossed paths twice a day that particular time of year, and I had it after the first meeting and it was gone before the second. Funny that. James was another “good kid” that probably just grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Or the county. Or something.
- I wonder what happened to Jasmine Marvin. Last I heard, I think she went out to UCLA or something. That girl was definitely going places. And if she happens to read this, I’m sure she’s glad that “me and those people” from the poster in Mr. Hartmann’s English class in 7th grade aren’t the only ones in the room anymore.
- I wonder what happened to David Bainger and Adam DeFrank. Also guys I didn’t hang out with much, but I always had the feeling that if I were to knock on their doors and say, “Hey.. um.. can I crash here tonight?” that they would have given me the pillow from their respective beds if necessary.
- I wonder what happened to the “Dynasty Crew”, or the “River Rats”, or whatever the hell you’d have called the group of us that would go to the diner, have coffee and breakfast at 10pm, then sit by the river and play guitars/bongos/whatever until the bugs bit us in the rear too much. Molly, Joe, Hacker.. well, Waryne, I know what happened to him.
- I wonder what happened to Karen Kelly. Oh, wait.. Karen Crespo. I kinda know what happened to her. She got married (I was there). She came to our wedding. She took pictures, which I don’t think I ever saw. She had two kids. She emails my wife. Now and then I see an email from her too. But I haven’t seen her in years. So I wonder :>
So there you have it. A few people I wonder about now and then. If you know them (or are them), feel free to chime in. And if you’re someone who knew me some time ago, and your name isn’t there, fear not – it doesn’t mean I don’t wonder about you necessarily. Just that in the span of time I started writing this, I ran out of names to put down. Or ran out of energy to put them down. Or ran out of caffeine to remember them. Or all three. So leave a comment anyway.
Hi Steve. I was sent the link to this by Earl Bruch. I recently sent you a message through the PHS Alumni site. I was wondering what ever happened to you?!
By the looks of it your life is good, you seem well. Glad to hear it. I have heard a few things about a few people mentioned above, and recently got in touch again with JoAnne and Jasmine.
I will never forget the day you talked to me about my father in high school. I was always very fond of you, and very glad to see you doing well.
Me, I am talking too much still…taking life as if comes…and starving for the dream.
Keep in Touch!
Jenna Marotta