Don’t speak, I know just what you’re sayin’
–No Doubt, “Don’t Speak”
While having my hair up in a towel after a shower, and thus unable to use my glasses effectively, I thought, “the Mac has made a lot of advances over the years, I should be able to use speech-to-text to write something!” So I looked up the commands you can use, and gave it a go. I started with the title, clicked where it should go, and said “caps on” so it would put things in Capitalization Mode for Titles.
It filled in the title “Caps on” and waited for the next thing.
Ok, so the commands aren’t perfect, at least if I can get the ideas down I can fix it in post! So I moved down to the body of the article and started talking. I had a vague idea where I wanted to go, and just started going with it. After three sentences, I deleted the whole thing. Turns out, I don’t talk at all the way I think and write apparently, and what comes out feels disjointed and crappy when I’m reading it on a page. Soooo…. I don’t think I’ll be doing that after all. Of course, the idea that I had was kind of a crappy one anyway, so maybe that’s why the words didn’t flow freely and make sense as I was writing it. I think this is a better topic anyway…