Do You Remember

Ooh that smell, can’t you smell that smell

–Lynyrd Skynyrd, “That Smell”

Well, I called it. Missed posting something yesterday, and “today” (the 21st night of September) got away from be because of earlier events. Namely, when we got home and the youngest went to close up the chicken coop, he came back in a few minutes later and said “well I just met the skunk.” One whiff later and he was going into the shower, now secure in the knowledge that the smell of a skunk that walks through the yard is much different than the smell of one that was sitting under the patio chair next to the coop and got scared when you came around the corner.

I had intended to do some work on the next project, which is going to be setting up a FoundryVTT server again (I mentioned before that I was running it, and we got mostly through a campaign before other things kept us away from it, which I also mentioned). I plan to do it in a Docker container as I did with the IRC server and its associated systems, I just need to figure out some of the logistics since I also want a Let’s Encrypt certificate for it so I need to think through how I’ll set that up using the existing configuration and whatnot that is working for IRC now. Maybe I’ll have some time to experiment with it all tomorrow. Er, today. After I get some sleep.

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