Even in the quietest moments, I wish I knew what I had to do.
–Supertramp, “Even In The Quietest Moments”
Been quiet here, but less because I fell out of favor for writing things and more because I have nothing to write. Still waiting on the replacement mixer I mentioned previously, but for slightly different reasons – I got the RMA paperwork and sent the bad one off to them, it took a week to get there (I literally could have carried it, by hand, the 16 miles from my house to their warehouse faster than FedEx who sat on it for four days 40 miles away from both of us for… reasons) and then instead of shipping me a replacement I got a gift card for that amount. Wondering why I moused over to their site to see the model listed as “Temporarily Out Of Stock” which is their tag for something that is going to take so long to get more – if they do – that they won’t backorder it. So a couple times a day I hit refresh on that page hoping for something to change, and meanwhile deal with the crunchiness of the old mixer.
Other than that there hasn’t been much going on. Some issues with carpal tunnel flaring up a little (fortunately the same right wrist as before so the old brace went back on today) which appears to be affecting a flexor tendon the most. At the same time, the PsA flare in my left hand subsided a little, so I’m still down to one useful hand but at least it’s not zero. Haven’t done anything radio-related still, and every time I think about it or start to there’s something else, besides I don’t want to get into debugging any possible problems with the setup until the mixer is replaced. And no other projects in the shack to get into at the moment either. On gaming, I’m still working through the postgame items in San Andreas for 100% completion, but after watching my eldest playing Pokemon Sword I got hooked (Pokemon were kinda becoming a thing as I was just a little too old for it, so I never got into it). So I’ve been playing that game and enjoying it. But none of that is really “post worthy” so there’s been nothing to write here. Maybe all of it combined is worthwhile though. Anyway, cat tax below.